Confidence, Community, and Commitment with Regina Bonds
Watch Her Interview Here
In Let Her Speak’s thirteenth episode of the She Speaks Series, Catherine Porth (Founder of Let Her Speak) sits down with YOUR Confidence Coach, Regina Bonds, to talk about her journey in finding the power and strength within herself that ultimately led her to become a confidence coach that not only guides women in unleashing the confidence within themselves – but also helps raise up the next generation of life coaches.
Listen to how she had to overcome her own self-esteem issues from a young age that she carried with her into adulthood. Losing her mother at 19 forced Regina to pick up the pieces of who she was and decide who she wanted to be. Her story is one of strength, courage, and determination.

Connect with her »
Facebook: Regina Bonds | Instagram: @reginakbonds | Website: reginabonds.com