You have a story worth sharing and now you have a new opportunity to share it! This community blog is a space for anyone who wants to share their story, their thoughts, or their advice.
We don’t gatekeep at Let Her Speak. Even if you’ve never had an article published before — consider this your first step in making your voice heard.
Scroll to begin exploring the incredible voices of our community ↓
I consider myself a girl’s girl. A female who intentionally makes it her business to seek out, encourage and lift up other women in our community in my industry in generally anyone that I come in contact with. I’m almost obsessive when it comes to wanting to see other people, but especially women, win.
As my tiny toddler frame lay on the hospital bed, my mother stood nearby, heart pounding with fear. She often recounts the memory in vivid detail—the sterile room, cold medical instruments, and the machines beeping in rhythm with my shallow breaths. I was in a coma, unresponsive.
I have four breakthroughs I would really like to share with you with the intention to open for reflection and consciously pinpoint what have been the times of your life that have help you to get to know you better… some people call them quantum moments.
December 2023. In the dark depths of winter, my light almost went out. It was on its very last flicker. I was in shock, depressed, overwhelmed, underwater. I felt alone, helpless, hopeless. We had a plan. Yes we were divorced, and that obviously required a good deal of acclimating and adjusting. A lot of uncomfortable becoming. But this, this wasn't part of the plan.
Since I was old enough to form the words, when I was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I answered, “Change the world.” It has been really hard to feel so frustrated, to feel like I am the only person who sees the harm of status quo problem-solving, and who is searching for new ways to do this sacred work.
A few days ago I posted a quote from a client of mine about entrepreneurship and the unseen challenges of founders in the job market. I wish I could say I was Surprised by the level of interest and feedback I received, but frankly, I’m not.
I haven’t been in a committed partnership (or intimate relationship of any kind) for almost 9 years. Sometimes it is lonely … missing that deep connection with another adult human in my day-to-day. I am also acutely aware that we can be in a committed partnership and still feel very much alone. I was pondering these things earlier this year when I realized something.
When we think of innovation, we tend to think of entrepreneurs. Much societal and cultural change has been shaped not by politicians, but by entrepreneurs. From Henry Ford and the car to the sharing economy pioneered by Airbnb and Uber, entrepreneurs have boldly re-envisioned and reshaped the way our society operates.
I will often be the first person to admit that I never thought I’d be the founder of a non-profit, let alone one that focuses on supporting and empowering women. But as the years have passed since I hosted our first Let Her Speak event in 2018 - I’ve started to notice how all these pieces of my life were leading me exactly to where I am today.
The most accessed resource I have ever created–in both downloadable and podcast format–is called the 7 Tips for Calm. I created it in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. I remember being in my kitchen, shortly after the lockdowns began, observing how calm I felt in the midst of this “once in a lifetime” event. And then I thought “OH! I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS.”
My father nicknamed me ‘big girl’ from as far back as I can remember. I was the apple of his eye. His mini-me. I would hold the flashlight, be his side-kick in his work shop, and thought he was the smartest, kindest man on the planet.
Think of yourself as a child, maybe 5-7 years old. What were the activities you participated in because it sparked joy for you? What did you reach for because it was something that brought you a sense of creativity, imagination, and play?
Women are superheroes. Period. From being caregivers to leaders to everything-in-betweeners, there is so much women do that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. This lack of appreciation became even more pronounced during the pandemic when women disproportionately were expected to become teachers, nurses, and career sacrificers to take care of their families.
I learned only one thing about money when I was growing up and it was that there was never enough of it. At an early age, I understood what evictions and repossessions were, probably long before I could even pronounce the words correctly.
What if our first response to someone else’s expression of pain (or any emotion for that matter) was simply, “I believe you.”? Humans are biologically wired for connection. Without it, we die. Empathy is an essential element in establishing and maintaining connection.
Women are superheroes. Period. From being caregivers to leaders to everything-in-betweeners, there is so much women do that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. This lack of appreciation became even more pronounced during the pandemic when women disproportionately were expected to become teachers, nurses, and career sacrificers to take care of their families.
Rules have reasons, as I often tell my kids. And just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean you don’t have to follow them. They’re designed to keep us safe, to account for others that exist around us, and to maintain societal expectations. There are processes to challenge and possibly change them. But they are what they are.
We all know them: the people who spend a lot of time and energy trying to tell you how much they know. Self-declared experts with the typical communication style that leads with “I’m so awesome. Have I told you how awesome I am?” Translation: “I know everything and I’ve done it all.”
When I look at the village that has been built around Let Her Lead, I see a group of women that meet this exact definition. And I can say firsthand, being someone who didn’t have a village like this for the majority of her life, that to be in their presence fills a void I didn’t recognize was missing. Rather than just telling you about this group, I want to highlight every woman who is connected to this program…
As someone trying to run a business with ADHD – and who worked as an outdoor guide for a decade before stepping into an entrepreneurship role – making the time every day to step away from my desk and tend to my flower and herb garden has become a ritual to keep me balanced.
I've gone through the never ending maze of societal expectations that tried to define my worth. But here's what I've come to realize: our worth isn't determined by external standards; it resides in our authentic selves. Learning this has helped me in so many ways and it is my intention for this to help you too.
As heart-filling as it is to hear women talking about their dreams and aspirations - I always sense an undertone of pressure to constantly be seeking out ways to make ourselves better. To be better employees, better managers, better businessowners, better mothers, better partners, and better friends.
The pandemic may be behind us, but the lessons learned during that almost unreal time should stay with us. Many people learned to work from home, prioritize mental and physical health, embrace the perks of a remote or hybrid workspace, and generally spend more time participating in their lives.
Many years ago, I was recruited away from a cushy “big company” job to my first dream job at my dream company. I was tired of talking about things, making powerpoints, using theory words, producing products that are really just paper and thoughts, and pitching projects to fund.
When you meet with as many women as I do on a daily basis, it’s inevitable that you’ll end up having a lot of the same conversations. What has been the most enlightening insight I’ve gotten from these conversations is just how much our own negative self-perceptions impact our ability to expand our power and influence.
This has been a big year for our family. After years of searching for a place to put down roots, last summer we purchased a dream property in North Carolina. The renovated farmhouse, heirloom apple trees, ample garden and chicken coop spoke to me from the moment I saw them.
The act of letting go is an act of self-care but more than that, it is one of survival. Conserving negative emotions like hatred, bitterness & resentment related to past trauma or unforgivable betrayals not only prevents you from thriving in the lifestyle you deserve, but it can actually manifest into life-threatening health issues.
Whether you are just now discovering Let Her Speak or you’ve been with us on this journey since the beginning, chances are you’ve only heard snippets of the whole story - the story of Let Her Speak. And that is 100% on me. As a self-proclaimed introvert, I’ve struggled with talking about myself, my work, my passion, and my vision for this organization.
Did you know that the saying "you are what you eat" is as accurate as "you are what you speak"? What if I told you that what you choose to speak is what belongs to you? And the things you want are already yours, but you must believe to manifest it. Wouldn't that change the way you speak and where you put your beliefs?
I wrote 'Good Thoughts for Bad Times' for Mental Health Awareness Month. Even the smallest flicker of a good memory can bring a bit of hope to some of my darkest days. In my songs there are recurring themes of loving others, loving yourself, and mental health.
Since starting Let Her Speak a little over 5 years ago, one question I get asked over and over is what prompted me to start a movement. The background and explanation for my “why” is too complex to answer in a short sound bite. So a few years ago I started telling people that I founded the organization for six reasons and would then proceed to only provide one of those reasons in my answer.
I created Loveliest because I wanted brides to have a uniquely memorable experience during one of the most important seasons in their lives. I wanted each bride to have an oasis where she could intentionally find “the dress” worthy enough for her wedding, one that made her feel not just lovely, but her Loveliest.
Recently, I was chatting with someone who just graduated from high school. It was clear that she is frozen with the choices that face her. Should she go to college? A trade school? Get a job? And what if she doesn’t like what she chooses, isn’t she stuck with it forever?
A few months ago, a group of women came together to discuss plans for the 2023 Let Her Speak Women's Summit. Lots of new ideas were shared both from women who have attended the event in the past and those who were new to the Let Her Speak community. One idea that was shared was from our friend, Erika Biddix of Aught. She mentioned an activity she participated in at a conference earlier in the year that involved a collective story written by the attendees of the event.
I meet with entrepreneurs on a daily basis. From sales to product development, finance to information systems, entrepreneurs (especially in the early stages) are required to understand and perform every aspect of running a business. While the conversations and trainings I have with these burgeoning business owners typically cover their business models, funding sources, and marketing strategies - one thing I try to stress is the importance rest plays in growing a business.
I spend a lot of time around people currently running businesses, and planning to start new businesses. These self-proclaimed “entrepreneurs” are often focused on the “hack” that will make them successful.
We’ve all heard the proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” and other iterations of the phrase. But have you ever heard the phrase “It takes a village to build a business”? Within the business world you often hear terms like network, mentors, and advisors — but in all the years I’ve spent surrounding myself with entrepreneurs, studying entrepreneurship, and working across a spectrum of businesses, I never really heard the term “village” used. That is, not until recently.
Over the past four years, I have had the privilege of meeting hundreds of incredible women in Knoxville — entrepreneurs, leaders, activists, or all of the above. One question I started asking every woman I met is, “What legacy do you want to leave behind?” With every answer I received to that question, a common thread began to emerge.
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