The Drocella Mugorewera Exhibit

About Her Exhibit…

I am a woman of faith, and I use that to help people to reach their potential. I am proud to lead an organization that welcomes refugees and asylees and helps them to be self-sufficient and to become productive and contributing members of our community.

I am also inspired by people who are successful in making an impact to transform people’s lives. Of course, I am inspired by the role of women and their contributions in all areas of life.

Educating women is educating society. I am thankful for the welcoming community and volunteers who help refugees, asylees, and special immigrant visa holders to integrate in our communities.

As a former refugee, I am grateful to the people who helped my family and me thrive toward giving forward in our new home.

I applaud and celebrate every woman in the whole world, and I wish them a happy International Women’s Day on March 8.

Connect with Drocella Mugorewera »

Instagram: @BridgeRefugees  |  Facebook: Bridge Refugee Services | Website: https://www.bridgerefugees.org/

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